What Is

In order to accomplish the mission of churchplanting along the Military Highway, church-planting in the most difficult and dangerous to reach places, and making it hard to go to hell from Fayetteville/ Ft. Liberty, we need to invest the largest sum of money we have ever raised to upgrade the “engine room.” Fayetteville/Ft. Liberty is the “sending agent” of leaders, resources and church plants all across the Military Highway. The rate of our sending and giving will be accelerated for many generations by our investment today. We will solidify the future for generations of leaders to come.

Our Goal


$1.2 Million:
0 %

local, regional, and international

$1.4 Million:
0 %

Update each
Fayetteville/Ft. Liberty Site.

$3.4 Million:
0 %

Update the Cliffdale site and provide land and building for the Raeford site.

ROC Financial Commitment

My Gift Today

Enter the amount you wish to commit today.


Monthly Gift

In addition to the gift enclosed, over the next 12 months, I will endeavor to give: (Begins 1-1-2024)


x 12 Months =


Total Gifts


After you have made your commitment, you may give your one-time gift here.

Make A

I  will share God’s love with others by contributing to ROC Homefront. These future gifts will be above and beyond my regular tithe.

Questions &

Are we stopping or halting any of our outreach or mission initiatives during this ROC Homefront?

NO!! A hundred times - NO! The ROC Homefront offering, given over two years, covers all of our commitments and continues to support every one of our ministry partners.

Is this the new way the ROC will be done after 2024?

NO! The ROC, as we’ve known it, will continue as it has previously in 2024 and beyond.

Will we have a ROC 2022 and ROC 2023 Event like in the past?

Yes. A truncated version, but we will have some of the same events that have made the ROC such a special celebration in the past.

Where can I ask more questions about the ROC Homefront?

Email us at ro**********@ma***.church, and we will respond to you within 24 hours!